Tell me a bit about your organization.
Creamos (meaning “we create, let’s believe” in English) was initiated in 2008 as a social entrepreneurship initiative to provide alternative income-generating opportunities for the women living around the Guatemala City garbage dump who relied on collecting, recycling, reusing and reselling items scavenged in the garbage dump to make a living. From our small shop in Guatemala City and through our website, we sell handmade jewelry and household sewing products made by the women in our program from recycled paper, denim and other materials. Over the years, Creamos expanded to incorporate vocational, educational and emotional support programming to supplement sustainable income generation. Today, Creamos serves 200 women and their ~850 children living in extreme poverty in this community.
We did a lot of research on pin makers to figure out who would be able to provide us with the authentic and down-to-earth partnership we wanted. After an exhaustive deliberation process, it became clear that Wizard was the most reputable, flexible and patient company we could work with. Our organization prides itself on being inclusive, multilingual and multicultural, and Wizard reflected these values throughout every step of the production process.
We ordered several different pin designs to carry out a few different organizational missions. First and foremost, we had our logo printed on pins, which we’ll use to promote our brand at local and international events, and give as gifts to our individual and foundation donors as a token of our gratitude for their financial support. The second designs we had made were gender pronoun pins. As an organization that values gender justice, these pins are a perfect way to promote our ethos of inclusivity to our customers, participants and visitors. We will sell these pins in our storefront and online, and use the profits to fund our individual and group therapy programs.
After having received these first two batches of pins, we decided to place a third order with brief statements regarding gender justice and sexual inclusivity, which we will use throughout the year as we celebrate Pride, Women’s Day, International Violence Against Women Day, and other commemorative days that champion vulnerable groups. The pins are also multilingual, meaning that they will spark a progressive conversation amongst our Spanish and English speaking supporters, team members, and participants.

Working with the team at Wizard was honestly a dream. We had to make a few adjustments to our designs throughout the process, and unlike other pin providers, Wizard gave us unlimited edits until they looked exactly the way we wanted. The patience and compassion we received from the team at Wizard made the process so enjoyable. I will never design pins with anyone else!
Yes. Pins are an impactful and relatively inexpensive way to get your logo out into the world. If any nonprofit considering Wizard is interested in hearing more about our seamless experience with WizardPins, we are more willing to chat with you.
We’re a small non-profit and we don’t have the marketing resources to generate the exposure that larger groups can. Many of our supporters are foreigners who come to Guatemala for a short time, and visit our project site to learn about the work we do. Pins are a great way for people to bring a piece of Creamos home with them, and hopefully spark conversation with their friends and family who may never be able to visit our project in person.
Learn more about Creamos:
Insta: @creamosfuturos
Facebook: Creamos